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The content on this website is provided for informational purposes only. Although we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information posted to this Website, we can make no guarantees as to how the information and advice provided herein will affect you and your personal situation. If you need or require individual advice or guidance, then you should consult with a professional who can assist you. You should not rely on the information in this website as a basis for any legal, tax, medical, business or any other decisions. Any reliance you place on the material in this website in making any such decisions is strictly at your own risk.

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Be aware that earnings and income statements made by www.copywriteyourlife.com and its advertisers/sponsors are only estimates of your possible earnings capacity. We provide absolutely no guarantee that you can or will earn income at the same level as those illustrations and statements provided on this Site. Individual results may vary based on the individual, and their level of business expertise, experience, and level of desire. We provide absolutely no guarantees as to your individual level of success.  Past results are by no means indicative of future success. Going into and operating a business comes with a great deal of inherent risk, much of which is unforeseeable and unpredictable. As a result, we cannot be held responsible if your venture is unsuccessful. The effort you put into your business and the resulting success or failure will be purely as a result of your own work, energy and the time that you devote to your business. Any success or failure on your part is a result of your own hard (or lack thereof) work and neither we nor any of our advertisers or sponsors will be held liable for any success or failure on your part.

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Use of Testimonials

Throughout the Site are testimonials and reviews from past clients and customers of www.copywriteyourlife.com. These testimonials may be received via text (including email), audio or video submission. They are individual experiences and therefore reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who have used our products and/or services. Your experience on our Site or with our products or services may not be the same as what is described in any particular review, testimonial or endorsement. The reviews and testimonials are only one person’s experience with our Site and should in no way be construed as a guarantee, promise, or reflection of the feelings of every user. Stratis Corporation cannot and does not guarantee any particular result. The testimonials displayed (whether by text, audio, and/or video) are provided verbatim except for the correction of simple grammatical or typing errors. Some have been shortened as we feel is appropriate, and the entire message provided is not displayed. We only shorten a testimonial when it is lengthy, or if the entire testimonial is not relevant for the general public. We do NOT provide any compensation for testimonials.

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All the information posted on this website, unless otherwise noted, is owned and copyrighted by Stratis Corporation. © 2023 Stratis Corporation. All rights are reserved.

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The information provided on this website is general in nature and should not be considered legal advice. If you have questions about your particular situation, please contact a lawyer in your jurisdiction for advice. Reading and consuming the information on this website does not create an attorney-client relationship, and any information you share with us through the contact page is not privileged. 

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